Others call it Malalison, which is an island in Culasi, Antique. It can be considered a fishing island because most residents are fishing for their livelihood. A few years back, its breathtaking beauty captured the attention of travelers after Typhoon Yolanda. It is Panay's next frontier because of its fine white sand beaches and crystal clear waters with diverse aquatic flora and fauna – it is truly a perfect diving paradise.
How to Get to Mararison Island:
- My Travel to Antique: My solo backpacking started in Roxas City, Capiz.
- At Pueblo Terminal, I rode in a van to Kalibo and alighted at Ceres Bus Terminal.
- From there, I rode in a bus bound for Ilo-Ilo and alighted at Ceres Bus Terminal in Culasi, Antique.
- At the terminal, I asked the locals the exact location of the Port and the tourism office. Followed their instructions and finally reached the tourism information center after 15 minutes. A tricycle ride from the bus terminal can also be an option for your convenience.
- At the tourist information center, I paid 10 pesos for the terminal fee and 20 pesos for the environmental fee.
- Kuya Rey, my contact, arranged everything. To save money, instead of renting the pump boat alone for 750 pesos, he instructed the receptionist at the information center to let me join the locals on the last trip. Therefore, I only paid 100 for that trip. The locals are kind; they even brought me to Kuya Rey’s house, 10 to 15 minutes walk from the sand bar.
The Rolling Hills:
- There's a Gorgeous View on the Summit of the Rolling Hills
- Upon arrival at Kuya Rey’s house, again, to save more money, he let me join Ate Shirley’s trek to the summit of the rolling hills together with the other group.
- Trekking is simple; the first part is an uphill concrete stair to the elementary school, then another uphill trail to the summit.
- Pine trees, shrubs, and pitcher plants are visible by the trail. Of course, the ambiance was relaxing, and the wind was cool.
On the summit or the view deck is a 360-degree view of Mararison, with the perfect view of Mount Madjaas from afar. The shape and the slopes of the mountains are similar to the views in Batanes. The mountains and hills are covered with green grass, accentuated by the trees. In between of the sky and the water is a line that added a perfect backdrop with the help of the sunset. I just can’t hide the fact that this scene is a magnificence of nature that needs to be shared.
Homestay in Mararison Island:
- Our descent from the summit was at around 5PM, then, finally met Kuya Rey Lorenzo, with proper introduction.
- If you plan to visit this island, I strongly and highly recommend him as your contact.
- By the way, his house is open for homestays. The interior of his house has a typical Filipino ambiance – so there is a really homey feeling.
The Sandbar of Mararison Island:
- Swimming on the Crystal Clear Water with white sand.
- The next day, I met Ate at the kitchen preparing for our breakfast. She greeted me: “Good Morning, Sir!” with that refined Ilongo accent.
- Then, I easily noticed the sumptuous smell spread on the terrace – a clear proof that the table was now open for breakfast.
- She told me to go to the sandbar for a golden sunrise – which I did.
After breakfast, it was still raining cats and dogs, and I was a bit worried because we’d be crossing the water to the mainland. I packed everything while waiting for the rain to stop. Ate and Kuya Rey were outside preparing for their commodities. The rain did not stop, so I had no choice but to use my huge transparent plastic, placed my bag inside it, and proceeded to the sandbar to get on the boat. Travel for about 15 minutes and reach Culasi mainland.
Ate proceeded to the wet market for her fish business, while Kuya Rey and I proceeded to the Municipality of Tibiao on a motorcycle. That transparent plastic and my dry bag were helpful because it was still raining hard. After 40 minutes of motorcycle ride, we reach La Escapo Mountain Resort in Tibiao, and next will be my Day 3 – Hot Kawa Bath Experience.
Summary of Expenses:
- Terminal Fee is 10 Pesos
- Environmental Fee: 20 Pesos
- Boat Fare (back and forth): 200 Pesos
- Overnight Homestay: 300 Pesos
- Trekking Guide: 100 Pesos
- Food and Others: 200 Pesos