Mt. Malipunyo

Mt. Malipunyo

Mt. Malarayat is another name given to the Mt. Malipunyo ranges in Batangas, one of the hiking destinations in Southern Luzon. Proximity wise from Manila and nearby provinces, it's a big CHECK. For two to three hours land travel and a whole day trek, you can enjoy the stunning views and extreme experience that can be found on the terrains of this mountain. It is also considered as “first timer friendly,” as it has a simple to moderate trail types. The terrain is abundant with different type of trees and colorful flowers that serve as as paradise of the wildlife. 

Mt. Tibig

Mt. Tibig

Hiking for one to two hours, you can easily reach the summit of Mt. Tibig. This mountain offers a relaxing trek because of its trails and gorgeous picturesque on the summit. With reggae music on the background, the stunning mountain ranges, covered with greens, will definitely make your eyes relaxed while the fresh and cool wind will help your soared muscles recover - such perfect place for bonding. Accessibility from Manila is super check because it is situated in Lobo, Batangas, a two to three hours land travel from the metro. 

Buntot Palos Falls, the Hidden Falls in Laguna

Buntos Palos

As I've been telling on my Laguna posts, this province has a lot to offer. Today, I am bringing you to one of the majestic waterfalls of Laguna. Buntot Palos Falls, others call it "the hidden falls," is the grandest waterfalls in Southern Luzon as it stands 80 meters with a high amount of water falling. It's name literally translates to "Eel's Tail" in English because, according to our guide, the trails to the falls is a long, curvy and slippery, similar to Eels's body or Palos in Filipino. Did you know that it has a hidden feature? It is a cave beneath the water falls, so passing through the water is needed.

Mt. Mabilog

Mt. Mabilog

Aside from the historical sites, food, and rich culture, Laguna also has great flora and fauna that can be found on the mountainous and forest areas. Mt. Mabilog is just one of the mountains lying in the province where a vast diversity of wildlife can be found. Hiking this mountain can definitely bring an extreme and remarkable experience because of its muddy trail but there's a wide picture of the Laguna and the nearby mountains, such as Mt. Banahaw and Mt. Cristobal. Not only that, the reflection of the skies can also be seen on the water of the seven lakes. 

Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery

Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery

Another historical landmark in Laguna is the Nagcarlan Underground Cemetery. It is a burial site which is 15 meters below a small chapel; a chapel which was designed for funeral masses in 1845 by Franciscan Priests lead by Fr. Vicente Velloc. In the Philippines, burial sites are situated in different spots, like hanging in Ifugao, placed inside the cave in Palawan and Cagayan, and concrete crypt (in the modern era). This burial site is unique because of its architectural design and purpose.

Pandin Lake, Laguna

Pandin Lake

Look at the beautiful view of Pandin Lake.

The province of Laguna has a healthy culture, stories, and travel destinations. Pandin Lake is just one of the seven lakes in the province that is certified tourist destination because of its unique and amazing picturesque. The lake, with the reflection of the skies, greets the visitors with its instagrammable landscape. The water is cool and crystal clear waters surrounded by forest which preserves the tranquility in the area. This is also the perfect jump off or side trip for hiking Mt. Mabilog.

3B Rest House, Antipolo City

3B Rest House, Antipolo

Planning to go out of town but how far is out of town? Though, it's a one to two hours land travel from Metro Manila, we chose 3B Resort in Antipolo, Rizal because we thought that it has a relaxing ambiance and a pool with the view of Manila's golden skyline. Since it is situated on the mountainous part, the wind is relaxing, cool and fresh. This is your Backpacking Guide, Affordable Place to Stay, and Other Things You Need to Know.

The Secluded Erin's Place Resort, Baras, Rizal

Erin's Place Resort
Rizal is the neighboring province of Metro Manila, therefore, it's a perfect destination for travel seekers, team buildings, family gatherings, and many more. If you're looking for a quite place, surrounded by trees, has a cool fresh air, has a good landscape, has a relaxing ambiance, Erin's Place Resort is the perfect place to be at. Almost two hours from Metro Manila,  Erin's Place Resort is one of the resorts in the secluded area of Sitio San Roque, Brgy. Pinugay, Baras, Rizal.

ALIWAN FIESTA: Street dance, Best float and Reyna ng Aliwan

Aliwan Fiesta is an annual event where colourful festivals from different regions in the Philippines gather in one area to compete for the coveted title. Having said that, Aliwan Fiesta is known as the "festival of all the festivals in the Philippines." Aside from the given title, the winners will also bring home cash prices, and many more. This event has a huge contribution to Philippine tourism because it is the best way to let the world know, or the universe rather, those festivals are More Fun in the Philippines. Anyways, Aliwan Fiesta 2019 has a series of events, such as the street dance competition, the float parade and the Reyna ng Aliwan. Below are the winners:

Jolo, Sulu: Tourist Spots, Destinations, What to do and Where to stay

sulu tourist spots
While the sun was still setting and we were a few kilometers away from the port of Jolo, I noticed the big picture of and the stunning view of Sulu - an island province in the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. Honestly, this province is always associated with "war." With my statement "I will be traveling to Tawi-Tawi, Sulu and Basilan," I always receive a response like "it's not safe, don't go there." Sad to hear right? But that's the reality. My solo-backpacking in the province is the proof that traveling to Jolo, Sulu is safe and I discovered that the people here are friendly and accommodating. Below are the must do and must visit tourist spots and destinations in Jolo, Sulu.